Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Czech yourself before you wreck yourself...

...or if you're Alex, just make it home without needing stitches. Prague was so much fun, full of castles, old world town squares, centuries old bridges, & 80's video dance clubs. Richard & I met Alex & Bob (on leave from KBR-Iraq & KBR-Dubai) & Resvan from San Antonio for a fantastic weekend in Prague.

The sights of Prague were quite beautiful even with the day of thunderstorms and hail we had.

We did have some sunshine though. Our day at the castle was gorgeous and was perfect for some cathedral window pictures.

Here's Alex both at the Lennon Wall and in the shooting gallery of a medieval armor museum. The girls were the only ones that hit the target. And I also included one of me enjoying our favorite Prague food - street stand hot dogs. Yum. I think we visited the stands at least twice a day while in Prague.

The bridges were by far my favorite things in Prague and when we had good weather the views were spectacular.

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