Monday, January 30, 2012

An amazing year!

It's been quite the amazing year for us. I still can't believe our baby is 1. Harris has brought such joy to our lives this year. We are blessed to have such a happy, easy-going baby. I can't wait to see what the next year has in store. I really hope we have a happy, easy-going toddler!! Below are some pictures from this month.

We celebrated with a colorful rainbow party for our little Irishman. We were joined at our home by friends and family on a beautiful sunny day. Thank you to everyone who helped us commemorate Harris's first year!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

11 months

Here it is. 11 months! I'm so way behind still! Harris has had a terrible stomach bug (is there any other kind?) for a week, and we're attempting to get ready for the big 1-year bash! Anyway, see below for Harris's 11th month.


I'm definitely behind in my blogging. I suppose that's what the holidays do to you. As far as firsts go, Harris's first Christmas was about as good as it gets. We spent the week going to Houston, back to Austin and eventually to San Antonio celebrating with family and friends. He got quite overwhelmed by the end, but that's what first Christmases are about!

Merry Christmas!